Zona Blu

SITU Festival embraces and interrogates the historic sites of Chiaramonte Gulfi in the light of contemporary artistic research. In addition to the exhibition dimension, SITU Festival organizes a program of side events (talks,video projections, art therapy workshops, musical explorations) to enrich the artistic, social and cultural landscape of the place that hosts it with innovative proposals.
A space for reflection opened through iTalks touching on themes such as territorial migrations, the desire to return to the places of origin, the need to rethink and re-discuss the territory and traditions, the identity of places, the creation of increasingly dense relational networks, also rethinking the ways of living relationships between human and spirituality within the contemporary world. Investigation of an identity dimension in search of an evolution of thought.
During the residency, collateral workshops will be held that will live the same spirit of investigation and cultural innovation as the festival. Thanks to the intervention ofArtist ə Therapist ə which, together with the associations and local inhabitants, will coalesce into a single body of work to carry out a collective work, which will then be exhibited during the days of the Festival.
Gesture that tends to strengthen the relational and creative bond, through a transformative process in which the place, the tradition and the imaginary of the community involved will take the form of a collective work, creating [in the participants] a new awareness of themselves and of the place they live in through a new vision.
Thesound explorations and DJ sets, they will enrich and activate dynamics of aggregation and involvement, broadening the gaze of artistic research not only on the visual panorama, but also on sound.
SITU Festival - 2023 Edition develops within the prestigious streets of the village of Chiaramonte Gulfi.
The project consists of a residency from 1 to 10 September 2023 for 5 artistsə selected through Open Call who will work within the churches and historic sites of Chiaramonte Gulfi, moving between its traditions and the transversal gazes of contemporaneity.
Palazzo Montesano;
Church of Santa Lucia;
Church of San Silvestro;
St. Joseph Church;
San Filippo Church;
Church of San Salvatore;
Atrium Mother Church (Piazza Duomo);
For more info on the locations, you can visit the official page of the municipality of Chiaramonte Gulfi:LOCATION
Festival Dates: 8-9-10 September 2023
Artist residency dates: from 1st to 07th September 2023
Open Call Expiration Date: 30 July 2023 by 00.00
The chosen artists will be announced: by 5 August 2023 and will be contacted personally by email.
The open call is aimed at artistsə, performers, musicians, dancers, designers, sound designers, architects, photographers, video makers, art-therapists and creatives of all kinds. Applications are open to anyone,
there are no limits on age, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, religion, social and political conduct.
The 5 artists will be rewarded with the assignment of accommodation in the splendid Borgo di Chiaramonte Gulfi, also called "the Balcony of Sicily, for its panoramic views,and an exceptional prestigious studio within the spaces selected for this 4th edition.
One tamong the 5 artistsə he will be awarded, for the originality of his research; having right to one of his solo shows at the “Ikonica Art Gallery”; The selection will be curated by the gallery owner Andrea Colombo and the curator and professor of the Brera Academy of Fine Arts Domenico Scudero.
After the festival they will followpublicationswho will talk about the work done in the residence,in industry magazines.
The SITU Cultural Festival supports the research of artists through the funding of the artist residency from 1 to 11 September (Exceptional accommodation and studio in one of the prestigious locations) at Chiaramonte Gulfi in Sicily.
Furthermore, the organization gives the maximumavailability and help for the transport of RECOVERY materials of the place useful for the realization of the work, either found on site or possibly granted by partner companies
(* The organization is exempt in any way from taking charge of travel expenses or reimbursement of extra expenses for accommodation)
Curatorial Body of the Blue Zone Team;
Domenico Scudero (Visual Cultures teacher at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts);
Andrea Colombo (Gallery);
The artistsə will be selected on the basis of the coherence and originality of the proposed work, on the adherence to the concept and to the input data within the open call pdf relating to the historical and social characteristics of Chiaramonte Gulfi, as well as on the general poetics of the artist.
To participate you must send by email tosituproject@gmail.com by 30 July at 00.00, the following material:
Biography and portfolio in pdf format (any audiovisual or multimedia content must be present on web platforms and reported via links);
Concept that declines the project of the work for SITU Festival 2023, consistent with the work of the candidate artist (max 2,000 characters, in pdf format);
Sketch of the work (a selection of up to 5 JPEG images, any links in the case of audio/video processing);
Working Time Table (organization of the artist's work for the days of residence);
In the case of a sound performance, indicate: duration, setting and environmental characteristics favorable to the execution, useful links for evaluating the work;
Within the candidate project, INDICATE THE PREFERENCE LOCATIONS for the site-specific intervention, choosing one of those listed above;
In the case of participation of groups or collectives, accommodation will be guaranteed only to a maximum of 2 representatives of the group;
The registration fee, to partially cover the organization costs, is set at 20 euros (twenty), in which membership of the Blue Zone social promotion association is already included;
Membership is a mandatory step for participation in the festival and for candidacy for the post-festival exhibition prize.
The Card can be collected on site during the festival or sent online.
The payment of the registration fee must be made in Euros, without bank fees or commissions charged to the organization. The registration fee is non-refundable.
The payment of the registration fee can be made through:
- Bank Transfer: Intesa San Paolo
IBAN IT46H0306909606100000181019
payable to: A.P.S. Blue Zone with reference "Contribution SITU Festival 4", name and surname of the artist.
By participating in the initiative, the artists acknowledge and implicitly accept the rules contained in this open call, none excluded. The participating artist declares to have carefully read the present regulation and therefore to accept it in all its points.
The information and data collected will be used in compliance with the provisions of the new European Regulation GDPR n. 679/2016. Their use is permitted only to the recipient of the message, for the purposes indicated in the message itself.
For participation in the worker call, for sending information material relating to the open call and for the public presentation, they will be kept in the "a.p.s. Blue Zone". Interested parties may request rectification or cancellation pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003.
This open call will be published on the websites www.zonablu.org and www.ikonicaartgallery.it and news will be given in all the main web publications and sector magazines as well as in the reference institutions.
SITU Festival is a practice-based residency projectsite specific within sacred places and historic sites.
Noshe hersIV edition, which will be held from 1 to 10 September 2023, thanks to the collaboration of the Municipality ofChiaramonte Gulfi, will settle between the architectural pearls and the streets of the villagein the province of Ragusa.
A residency for five artists and a schedule of sound and cultural events will animate its historical identity.
In order to facilitate access to the market for new talents, the jury formed by the gallery owner Andrea Colombo and the curator and professor of the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, Domenico Scudero,
will select one of the five participantsə to the residency, for a collateral prize set up ad hoc for the fourth edition of the festival.
The selectorə will have the opportunity to exhibit their personal research at
“Ikonica Art Gallery” (Milan)
The five winning artists of the residency will have accommodation in Chiaromonte Gulfi from 1 to 10 September and a temporary studio/exhibition space of excellence in which to create the site-specific work; thus having the opportunity to dialogue with the identity and experience of the place.
SITU Festival uses interdisciplinary creative practices designed ad hoc for the territory, capable of involving different types of audiences to trigger a territorial regeneration starting from the experience of art and culture.
SITU Festival intends to dialogue with the social fabric and the different realities of the territory, crossing its traditions and stimulating collaborative mechanisms and dynamics between artists, cultural operators, visitors and the community of Chiaramonte Gulfi: a visual anthropological reworking of the identity of the place.
The goal is to experiment and disseminate inclusive and aggregative cultural practices for resident and non-resident communities, through a re-evaluation and rediscovery of everyday places.